The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. All CFRR publications are available on this site.

Report on the Enhancement of Public Sector Financial Reporting (REPF) – Diagnostic Tool

Publication | 2019

The Report on the Enhancement of Public Sector Financial Reporting toolkit (REPF) was developed by the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) to promote improvements in public sector financial management. To achieve meaningful and realistic public sector accounting reform it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of a country’s public sector accounting environment.

Focus Areas

Understanding Your Financing Needs and Options

Brochure | 2019

SMEs often go to their bank for a loan when it’s too late. Banks reported that many SMEs wait until they face a severe cash constraint before they come to the bank to request a loan. The company’s cash is nearly depleted, and their pockets are empty. This is too late, since banks cannot lend to companies that are nearly bankrupt.

This brochure will help you in understanding your financing needs and options.

Focus Areas

Accrual Based Accounting Core Competency Framework for Public Sector Finance Professionals

Publication | 2018

The Core Competency Framework presented in this document has been prepared to support Governments in implementing and sustaining reforms toward the adoption of accrual based accounting by defining the necessary competencies required by finance professionals to carry out such reforms. In doing so, the Framework provides guidance to the fundamental questions of “Who to train?”, “What to train?” and “To what extent to train?” when embarking on accrual based accounting reforms.

Focus Areas

Case Study: Pejasco Cheese Ltd.

Teaching material | 2018

The case study PejaSko Cheese Ltd. was developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers workshops and simulates a small audit client. The case study is the core teaching resource during the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers workshops and provides an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and the practical application of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) while also assisting to develop soft skills such as communication, working as a team and problem solving.

Focus Areas

Continuing Professional Development Programs for Accountants – Implementation Guide

Publication | 2018

This Guide seeks to assist professional accountancy organizations, government agencies, and other regulators involved with the critical responsibility of setting, implementing, and enforcing appropriate requirements in the area of Continuing Professional Development for Accountants and Auditors.

Focus Areas

EU-REPARIS Progress Reports

Report | 2018

The CFRR produces regular reports for its main programs to inform donors, participants and other stakeholders of how the programs are developing. These progress reports summarize the activities carried out under the program and outline how the experience gained will be used to improve the design of the next stages of the program.

Focus Areas

Group Exercise: Agreed-Upon Procedures

Teaching material | 2018

The Agreed-Upon Procedure (AUP) engagement can be used in a variety of circumstances that involve both financial and non-financial information engagements and cover public and private sector entities. More recently, due to the increasing audit thresholds for smaller entities, the AUP engagement may affect the demand of stakeholders seeking alternatives to audit, such as lenders, and because of the flexibility this type of engagement offers, it can be tailored to different circumstances and focused on individual items of financial data.

Focus Areas

Group Exercise: Fraud Risk Assessment

Teaching material | 2018

This group exercise further builds on the facts presented in the practical case study “Orotavia Capital City Municipality”, that is used throughout the Internal Audit Training of Trainers modules and aims to enhance participants knowledge about performing fraud risk assessments by following a structured framework including elements of fraud risk identification, assessment, and response.

Focus Areas

Internal Audit Key Performance Indicators

Publication | 2018

It is important for an Internal Audit function to put in place performance metrics to measure its effectiveness, boost its value proposition and enhance credibility via-a-vis stakeholders. This publication provides insight on performance measurement in the internal audit in public sector context and offers examples of performance measures that can useful for internal audit teams and regulators.

Focus Areas

PULSAR Infrographics

Brochure | 2018

The PULSAR team developed two infographics to support awareness raising activities of PULSAR member countries. The first visual tool focuses on the benefits arising from implementing accruals-based public sector accounting. The second one explains how the promotion of public sector accrual accounting based on international standards and good practice correlates with the twin development goals of the World Bank Group and contributes to development.

Focus Areas