Showing 51 - 60 of 124 results

Workshop | - | Belgrade, Serbia

Accrediting CPD Trainers of Accountants and Auditors in Serbia

Document |

"Accrediting CPD Trainers of Accountants and Auditors in Serbia" Handout


Agenda |

"Accrediting CPD Trainers of Accountants and Auditors in Serbia" Agenda


Workshop | - | Tbilisi, Georgia

Building a strong and sustainable accounting profession in Georgia

Presentation |

The IFRS for SMEs: Section 1 - Small and medium entities


Presentation |

The IFRS for SMEs: Overview


Roundtable | | Baku, Azerbaijan

Roundtable on National Accounting Education Initiatives

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria

Audit Training of Trainers Workshop: Supplementary Module – Focus on Services for SMEs

Agenda |

"Audit Training of Trainers Workshop: Supplementary Module – Focus on Services for SMEs" Agenda
