As candidates, or potential candidates, for EU enlargement the countries of Southeast Europe, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, are integrating more closely with the EU and the EU's internal market, and aligning their legislative frameworks with the EU acquis communautaire.

EU-REPARIS has been designed to help and encourage this process of integration. It

Group Exercise: Going Concern Judgements

Developed to facilitate the EU REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, the objective of the group exercise is to enhance the analytical and intellectual skills of participating trainers while engaging in a practical case study involving going concern judgements. Gathering appropriate evidence and evaluating the appropriateness of the going concern assumption, as well as making judgements about whether a going concern issue is present, are affected by the size of the entity.

Small and Medium Practices: The Trusted Advisors of SMEs

Small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs) have an important role to play in supplying professional services to their small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) clients. Understanding the range, requirements and benefits of available professional services is essential for practitioners and SMPs to be able to tailor the various services to meet the needs of their SME clients, as well as helping them to choose the right service for their needs.

Simulated Client Meeting: Developing Client Relationship Skills

This group challenge was developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program and enables participants to practice their client relationship skills and cross-selling techniques. By engaging in the simulated client meeting, participants are provided with an opportunity to practice these skills in a simulated face-to-face client meeting and thus tackle and solve some real life business situations and problems.

Accounting Vouchers and Principles of Bookkeeping - Expectations in 21st Century

This study is available in English and Polish. It assesses the current regulations and practices related to accounting vouchers and bookkeeping in Poland, including cross-cutting tax regulations, and compares them with selected EU countries (France, Germany and UK). The study was undertaken at the request of the Polish Ministry of Finance, and funded under the Financial Reporting Technical Assistance Program (FRTAP) by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the Enlarged European Union.

Smaller Audits: Challenges and Insights

Smaller audits are considered “a specialty”, with their own unique set of challenges for practitioners to address when engaging with smaller clients. This publication highlights some of those challenges and provides related insights that might be useful for practitioners, Small and Medium Sized Practices (SMPs) and Professional Accounting Organizations (PAOs) as they support their members.

Financial reporting in Austria: the views of SMEs and local banks

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a particularly important role in the Austrian economy, with commercial banks acting as their main sources of external finance. As SMEs are also very important in the REPARIS countries, analyzing how SMEs and their banks view the operation of financial reporting in Austria could produce some useful pointers for the design of financial reporting frameworks in the REPARIS countries.