The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. All CFRR publications are available on this site.

Analysis of public sector accounting education models in six countries

Knowledge product | 2024

The knowledge product is a result of collaboration among the Educational Community of Practice (EduCoP) members of the Public Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Program. This study contributes an analysis of PSA education models in six countries, including Albania, Georgia, the Philippines, South Africa, Viet Nam, and Zambia. The study considers the similarities and differences and the successes and challenges for PSA education.

Focus Areas

PULSAR Newsletters

Article | 2023

The PULSAR newsletter regularly reports on the program’s latest activities and on developments in public sector accounting and financial management, both internationally and in beneficiary countries.

Focus Areas

Book on Public Sector Accounting Reforms Implementation Status in PULSAR Countries

Publication | 2022

The book aims to share the status of implementation of Public Sector Accounting Reforms in PULSAR’s beneficiary countries in a harmonized manner and discuss the relevance of the continuation of PSA reforms across PULSAR countries given their positive impacts in general on transparency and accountability of the countries.

Focus Areas

REPARIS for SMEs Newsletters

Article | 2022

The REPARIS for SMEs newsletter regularly reports on the program’s latest activities.

Disclaimer: This webpage was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CFRR and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Focus Areas

First-time Adoption of Accrual Basis IPSAS

Publication | 2021

The objective of this paper is to: (i) provide practical guidance based on worldwide experience to public sector accounting (PSA) practitioners, who intend to implement accrual basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) directly or indirectly for the first time, and (ii) summarize key concepts of IPSAS 33.

Focus Areas

PULSAR – Drivers of Public Sector Accounting Reforms

Publication | 2021

This study is a knowledge product of the World Bank developed under the Public Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Program. The objective of this paper is to help governments which are implementing Public Sector Accounting (PSA) reforms to identify, consider, and nurture drivers of those reforms. The paper explores the types of key drivers of public sector reforms, discusses the main challenges and obstacles associated with those drivers, and shares case study experiences from selected countries in an effort to illuminate the way to improved efforts and results in PSA reforms.

Focus Areas

Guide on Preparation for Private Equity: Can Venture Capital and Private Equity Work for You?

Publication | 2020

Access to finance is ranked as one of the constraints on businesses in the Western Balkans region Across the region, up to 99 percent of enterprises are small or medium-sized (SMEs). SMEs are a primary source of economic growth, innovation, and most importantly, job creation in the region. To attract funding from investors and grow their businesses successfully entrepreneurs need the necessary skills to become investment ready.

Focus Areas

Stocktaking of Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Environment in PULSAR Beneficiary Countries

Publication | 2020

This study is a knowledge product of the World Bank in cooperation with the Institute of Public Management from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), developed under the Public Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Program. This study analyzes the Public Sector Accounting (PSA) environment of thirteen beneficiary countries of the PULSAR program  by identifying strengths, challenges and opportunities within the PSA framework.

Focus Areas

A4G Preliminary Landscape Assessment for Western Balkans

Publication | 2019

It is the first report prepared under the Accountants as Catalysts for Growth (A4G) initiative. EU-REPARIS has been designed to help and encourage the process of aligning legal frameworks in accounting and audit with the EU’s Acquis Communautaire and encourages the accounting profession to offer enterprises, especially MSMEs, effective business support services and advice on accessing finance and complying with regulatory requirements.

Focus Areas

Albania Accounting and Auditing Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes

A&A ROSC | 2019

The World Bank conducted reviews of accounting and auditing within the ROSC initiative at the invitation of Albania. The World Bank utilized a diagnostic tool that it developed to gather pertinent information for preparing the Accounting and Auditing ROSC.

Focus Areas