Advocating for transparency in corporate financial reporting responses to coronavirus


Editor's note: This blog also had contributions from Suraiya Zannath and John Hodge.

No transparency, no trust; no trust, no credit; no credit, no investment; no investment, no growth! So there is a simple logic: financial reporting is an essential building block for financial intermediation, foreign investment, and sustainable economic development.  - Martin Gruell, Raiffeisen Bank International (2008)

KAREP reports on the first six months progress

The Kyrgyz Audit and Reporting Enhancement Project (KAREP) is working to enhance the investment climate in the Kyrgyz Republic by increasing the availability of transparent and reliable financial information, raising the quality of audit services and building trust in the audit profession, strengthening financial reporting capacity, and improving the public accountability of state-owned enterprises. Funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and implemented by the World Bank, KAREP became operational in September 2017.

Building a strong and sustainable accounting profession in Georgia

During the first week of May, the regional "Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in the Eastern Partnership" program hosted several knowledge and capacity events aimed at strengthening accounting and auditing profession in Georgia. Joining forces with the Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision (SARAS) and IFRS Foundation, the World Bank’s CFRR delivered two roundtables dedicated to the accounting education and professional development, as well as IFRS Workshop.

Applying new Accounting Standards in Azerbaijan: Problems and Perspectives

The conference on October 2nd featured speakers from the World Bank, the Professional Accountancy Organization Development Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), as well as representatives from Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) in Poland, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Georgia. The discussions focused on changes in Accounting Law, how to achieve smooth transition by learning good international practices and overcoming challenges, as well as the implications to the accounting profession.

STAREP EduCoP Workshop

A two-day workshop on November 28-29 convened participants from six “STAREP Program” countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) for the tenth Education Community of Practice (EDUCOP) workshop. The second day of the workshop was held jointly with members of the PULSAR EDUCOP (Public Sector). In addition, participants from the Kyrgyz Republic and Serbia participated as guests at the event as part of the KAREP and STAR-CFR projects respectively.

Joint PULSAR, STAREP and EU-REPARIS Communities of Practice Workshop

Financial Reporting in Private and Public Sectors – Common Issues, Challenges and Recent Developments

A two-day workshop on November 28-29 convened participants from three regional programs, covering 13 countries, that is STAREP (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine), EU-REPARIS (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and PULSAR (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine) [PULSAR joint workshop was co