PULSAR and World Bank Sustainability And Integrated Reporting Community of Practice Webinar on the Implications Of Sustainability Reporting On Public Sector Accounting

Over the last few years investors, companies, governmental regulators, international organizations have been increasingly calling for standardization of sustainability/integrated reporting by corporations and, in the longer term, by governments. They also see an urgent need to consolidate a wide range of organizations and initiatives currently involved in this agenda. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and focus on the sustainable recovery have helped to further cement this momentum.

Audit Training of Trainers Workshop: Module F4 - Audit Conclusion and Reporting

The overall aim of the series is to increase the audit profession's capacity to deliver high-quality training and continuing professional development (CPD) programs based on the Standards of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board® (IAASB®). In particular, the workshop series focuses on the needs and challenges of Small and Medium-sized Practices (SMPs) to implement International Standards. The series is conducted with the support of the International Federation of Accountants® (IFAC®).