Stocktaking of Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Environment in PULSAR Beneficiary Countries

This study is a knowledge product of the World Bank in cooperation with the Institute of Public Management from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), developed under the Public Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Program. This study analyzes the Public Sector Accounting (PSA) environment of thirteen beneficiary countries of the PULSAR program  by identifying strengths, challenges and opportunities within the PSA framework.

PULSAR Joint Education and Financial Reporting Communities of Practice 6th Workshop

The Public Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Program held a joint workshop on December 1, 2022, for members of its Communities of Practice: on Financial Reporting (FinCoP) and Education (EduCoP). The EduCop was also joined by the members of The Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in Countries of the Eastern Partnership (STAREP) Program. The workshop was organized by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) as part of events marking 15 years of CFRR activities.

PULSAR Smart Interactive Talk "International Public Sector Financial Accountability Index: Challenges and Trends of PSA"

Accrual accounting reporting, which means recording the economic substance of transactions when they occur regardless of the occurrence of their respective cash settlement, is fundamental to good decision making, transparency and accountability.

PULSAR Joint FinCoP and EduCoP Workshop

From April 23-25, 2018, the second workshops of FinCoP and EduCoP were held in Vienna, bringing together more than 100 participants and speakers from 17 countries. Senior officials from MOF and Court of Audit of Austria joined the events, and leading international experts contributed to the sessions including representatives from IPSASB, CIPFA, Eurostat EPSAS Working Group, and IMF.