Understanding Your Financing Needs and Options

SMEs often go to their bank for a loan when it’s too late. Banks reported that many SMEs wait until they face a severe cash constraint before they come to the bank to request a loan. The company’s cash is nearly depleted, and their pockets are empty. This is too late, since banks cannot lend to companies that are nearly bankrupt.

This brochure will help you in understanding your financing needs and options.

How to Choose Your Accountant

Banks need reliable, transparent financial information when making credit decisions. A financial advisor or accountant can advise you on when it could be advantageous to seek out a bank, and help you calculate, compile, and present your information to banks.

This brochure will help you in choosing a financial advisor or accountant for your SME.

Group Exercise: Going Concern Judgements

Developed to facilitate the EU REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, the objective of the group exercise is to enhance the analytical and intellectual skills of participating trainers while engaging in a practical case study involving going concern judgements. Gathering appropriate evidence and evaluating the appropriateness of the going concern assumption, as well as making judgements about whether a going concern issue is present, are affected by the size of the entity.