The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. This page lists the upcoming events organized by the Centre for its various programs and provides you with contact or registration information that you can use to join the activity.

Strengthening Corporate Governance in BiH: Republika Srpska - Sustainability Reporting and the Increasing Role of Audit Committees

A Conference “Strengthening Corporate Governance in BiH: Republika Srpska - Sustainability Reporting and the Increasing Role of Audit Committees” will be organized on September 27, 2024 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the regional project The Road to Europe: Program of Accounting Reform and Institutional Strengthening for Small and Medium Enterprises in Western Balkans (REPARIS for SMEs).

The Conference aims to build capacity, share knowledge and experience, and offer practical insights on audit committees and sustainability reporting from a local and an international perspective; it will also address the challenges and potential responses related to new provisions of the European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, including new European Sustainability Reporting Standards and the increasing role of audit committees in strengthening confidence in statutory audit and in financial and non-financial information.

The Conference is specifically targeted towards auditors, professional accountants, members of Boards (including members of audit committees of large public interest entities and state-owned enterprises), professional accounting organizations, banking and insurance regulators, academics, and internal auditors from Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The event is organized in cooperation with the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Republika Srpska (AAARS).

Event Details


Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Strengthening Corporate Governance in BiH: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sustainability Reporting and the Increasing Role of Audit Committees

A Conference “Strengthening Corporate Governance in BiH: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sustainability Reporting and the Increasing Role of Audit Committees” will be organized on October 02, 2024, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the regional project The Road to Europe: Program of Accounting Reform and Institutional Strengthening for Small and Medium Enterprises in Western Balkans (REPARIS for SMEs).

The Conference aims to build capacity, share knowledge and experience, and offer practical insights on audit committees and sustainability reporting from a local and an international perspective; it will also address the challenges and potential responses related to new provisions of the European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, including new European Sustainability Reporting Standards and the increasing role of audit committees in strengthening confidence in statutory audit and in financial and non-financial information.

The Conference is specifically targeted towards auditors, professional accountants, members of Boards (including members of audit committees of large public interest entities and state-owned enterprises), professional accounting organizations, banking and insurance regulators, academics, and internal auditors from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Conference is organized in cooperation with the Union of Accountants, Auditors and Financial Workers of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (UAAFWFBH) and the Chamber of Auditors of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Event Details


Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
