Four series of webinars were delivered between 09 February and 12 February 2021 and these were attended by about 80 participants each day.

The objective of event was to continue enhancing participants’ knowledge from STAREP countries about public oversight and audit quality assurance systems, through presentations and discussions about key principles of audit oversight and processes of quality assurance systems. The webinars were delivered in close cooperation with the French Audit Oversight institution H3C (le Haut conseil du commissariat aux comptes), an independent regulatory authority for the audit profession in France.

Following STAREP support, countries implemented, reformed or are in process of establishment a public oversight function, consequently, learning in-depth about implementation of the statutory regulation by France was of particular interest to all participants. Specifically, the event aimed to discuss existing legal requirements in France and practical implementation in the following areas:

  • Overview of the French Audit Oversight System;
  • Cooperation with foreign regulators;
  • Development of auditing standards and ethics code in France;
  • Registration of auditors, continuing professional development and the role of the H3C;
  • Quality control reviews in France;
  • Investigations and enforcement system.


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Implementation of the statutory audit regulation in the European Union: the experience of France

In addition, the participants benefited from a presentation on key functions, current development and initiatives launched by the International Forum of Independent Regulators (IFIAR).

Each presentation was followed by an interactive Questions and Answers session. Direct interaction with experienced staff from H3C helped participants to learn in-depth about a proper implementation of public oversight and quality assurance functions, considering potential challenges that may affect the enforcement, including challenges determined by the current pandemic.

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