Improving Audit Quality through Audit Oversight and Quality Assurance Systems

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN’s) Audit Regulatory Group (AARG) has partnered with the World Bank to build on and support existing efforts to share knowledge and promote good practices of audit oversight within the countries that make up the ASEAN Community. This collaborative workshop in Bangkok continued the establishment of the Audit Oversight Community of Practice for the prospective AARG members (AOCoP) i.e. the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.

Advancing Audit Quality Assurance Systems: Trends and Opportunities - workshop for STAREP and EU-REPARIS Countries

A two-day workshop in Vienna on 26 and 27 April, 2018 convened together participants from each of the countries of two regional CFRR projects: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine as part of the Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in the Countries of the Eastern Partnership (STAREP) and Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia as part of the Road to Europe: Program of Accounting Reform and Institutional Strengthening (EU-REPARIS).

Senior Officials’ Workshop

On 26 November, 2018, the World Bank’s Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) held the Senior Officials’ Workshop in Vienna, including senior officials from the Ministries of Finance and audit oversight institutions from the six Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), to discuss and reflect upon the status and implementation of their financial reporting reforms.