Smaller Audits: Challenges and Insights

Smaller audits are considered “a specialty”, with their own unique set of challenges for practitioners to address when engaging with smaller clients. This publication highlights some of those challenges and provides related insights that might be useful for practitioners, Small and Medium Sized Practices (SMPs) and Professional Accounting Organizations (PAOs) as they support their members.

Second Regional Audit Quality Assurance Forum “Practical examples of public oversight and quality control of audit”

The second Audit Quality Assurance Forum convened on November 7-8 in Skopje, North Macedonia, bringing together 51 representatives from competent authorities in the field of audit public oversight across Western Balkan countries. Ministries of finance and professional accounting associations, which play a crucial role in this domain, were also present.

Good Practices in Audit Oversight and Enforcement: Insights from the Polish Agency for Audit Oversight

The knowledge sharing event on "Good Practices in Audit Oversight and Enforcement: Insights from the Polish Agency for Audit Oversight" took place on October 3-4, 2023, in Warsaw. This event, organized by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform, was part of the regional project The Road to Europe Program of Accounting Reform and Institutional Strengthening for Small and Medium Enterprises (REPARIS for SMEs).

Improving Audit Quality in Western Balkans Countries Through Regional Cooperation

The inaugural meeting of the Regional Audit Quality Assurance Forum was held in Vienna on May 16-17, 2023. The event was organized under the Road to Europe Program of Accounting Reform and Institutional Strengthening for Small and Medium Enterprises (REPARIS for SMEs) and for representatives of competent authorities responsible for public oversight and quality assurance in the Western Balkans countries. The event was attended by 60 participants including from public oversight bodies, professional accounting organizations (PAOs), and ministries of finance.