The Internal Audit Ethical Dilemmas Board Game

Developed to facilitate the Internal Audit Training of Trainers program, the objective of the Ethical Dilemmas Board Game is to enable participants to approach professional ethics training and education in a practical way, by analyzing threats that arise and selecting an appropriate course of action in line with the fundamental principles of the Code of Ethics for Internal Auditors prescribed by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). The game is expected to develop participants' ethical decision-making skills and to make sound judgments when resolving and mitigating ethical dilemmas.

Case Study: Orotavia Capital City Municipality

The case study Orotavia was developed to facilitate the Internal Audit Training of Trainers workshops and simulates a capital city municipality. The case study is the core teaching resource during the Fundamentals and Advanced Internal Audit Training of Trainers modules and workshops and provides an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and the practical application of International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA) while also assisting to develop soft skills such as communication, working as a team and problem solving.

Case Study: Pejasco Cheese Ltd.

The case study PejaSko Cheese Ltd. was developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers workshops and simulates a small audit client. The case study is the core teaching resource during the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers workshops and provides an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and the practical application of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) while also assisting to develop soft skills such as communication, working as a team and problem solving.

The Ethical Dilemmas Board Game

Developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, the objective of the Ethical Dilemmas Board Game is to enable participants to approach professional ethics training and education in a practical way, by analyzing threats that arise and selecting an appropriate course of action in line with the fundamental principles of the International Ethics Standard Board for Accountants (IESBA) Code of Ethics. The game is expected to develop participants' ethical decision-making skills and to make sound judgments when resolving and mitigating ethical dilemmas.

Role Play Exercise: Developing Effective Interview Skills

This exercise, developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, enables participants to engage in a role play activity and develop their interview, communication and interpersonal skills. By simulating a real life business situation, participants tackle and solve some real life problems. This is critical for the development of the complex skills needed by auditors that go beyond the theory and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), and also allows participants to exercise their professional judgment and understand problems from different perspectives.

Simulated Client Meeting: Developing Client Relationship Skills

This group challenge was developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program and enables participants to practice their client relationship skills and cross-selling techniques. By engaging in the simulated client meeting, participants are provided with an opportunity to practice these skills in a simulated face-to-face client meeting and thus tackle and solve some real life business situations and problems.

Practical guide for PAOs on continuing professional development for accountants

Professional accountants recognize that achieving and maintaining the highest levels of professional competence help them win business and retain clients. Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) have an important role to play in encouraging, facilitating and monitoring life-long learning. With the support of participating PAOs involved in the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform has produced a short practical guide on Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

STAREP Progress Reports

The CFRR produces regular reports for its main programs to inform donors, participants and other stakeholders of how the programs are developing. These progress reports summarize the activities carried out under the program and outline how the experience gained will be used to improve the design of the next stages of the program.

Internal Audit Training of Trainers

The Internal Audit Training of Trainers (IA ToT) activities aim to develop the capacity of the public sector internal auditors to deliver high-quality internal audit training within their countries and institutions, based on the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA) and international good practices in public sector internal auditing.