The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. This page lists activities of the Centre, including past events, recent publications, blogs and stories, which you can filter by specific programs and other facets.

Workshop | - | Skopje, North Macedonia | REPARIS for SMEs

Second Regional Audit Quality Assurance Forum “Practical examples of public oversight and quality control of audit”

Workshop | - | Warsaw, Poland | REPARIS for SMEs

Good Practices in Audit Oversight and Enforcement: Insights from the Polish Agency for Audit Oversight

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria | REPARIS for SMEs

Improving Audit Quality in Western Balkans Countries Through Regional Cooperation

Workshop | - | Ljubljana, Slovenia | PULSAR

4th PSA EduCoP Workshop

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria | STAREP, EU-REPARIS, KAREP, PULSAR

Joint PULSAR, STAREP and EU-REPARIS Communities of Practice Workshop

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria | STAREP, PULSAR

3rd PSA EduCoP Workshop

Publication | | EU-REPARIS, STAREP

Reporting by Public Oversight Bodies

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria | STAREP, EU-REPARIS

Advancing Audit Quality Assurance Systems: Trends and Opportunities - workshop for STAREP and EU-REPARIS Countries