The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. This page lists activities of the Centre, including past events, recent publications, blogs and stories, which you can filter by specific programs and other facets.

Publication | | STAREP

National Education Initiatives – Ukraine

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria | PULSAR

5th PSA FinCoP Workshop

Teaching material | | IA TOT

Group Exercise: Fraud Risk Assessment

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria | PULSAR

PULSAR Joint FinCoP and EduCoP Workshop

Workshop | | Online | EU-REPARIS, Audit Training of Trainers

Audit Training of Trainers Virtual Workshop: Leveraging Data Analytics to Add Value for SMEs

Report | | South-South Curricula Improvement Exchange Program

South-South Curricula Improvement Exchange Program: Final Report