The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. CFRR products include a series of guides and teaching materials that can be used or replicated in different countries.

Banking Supervisors and External Auditors: Building a Constructive Relationship - GUIDE

The 2008 financial crisis highlighted weaknesses in the risk management, control and governance processes of banks as well as in their statutory audit and financial supervision. This led to increased scrutiny of the respective roles and interactions of banking supervisors and external auditors who are key contributors to market discipline. Auditors ensure that financial information is transparent and reliable while supervisors provide confidence in the financial systems. Both supervisors and auditors allow market players to make informed decisions and contribute to financial stability.

Focus Areas

Learning Course "Private Equity in the Western Balkans"

The private equity market in the Western Balkans is at a very early stage of development and there is currently limited investment opportunity. The main source of financial capital available for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) throughout the region currently is through banks; by obtaining lines of credit, bank loans and other forms of debt. Alternative sources of capital are either non-existent or in very low supply. This course offers an excellent opportunity to gain insight into how the private equity market works and how you can help your clients/employers to become ready for investment.

Focus Areas