The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. All CFRR publications are available on this site.
Reporting by Public Oversight Bodies
Publication | 2018
A key goal of independent oversight is to provide relevant and reliable information to investors, lenders, audit committees, regulators, other stakeholders, and the general public about auditors and the audit market, among other matters.
Roadmap to Public Sector Accounting Reform: Good Practice Template
Publication | 2018
This roadmap template addresses the fundamental questions to be answered in undertaking public sector accounting reforms. It recognizes that reforms are complex and require a multi-layered approach. The roadmap process should be repeated as reform progresses to take account of reform implementation and changing circumstances.
Toolkit: Public Sector Accounting Education Plan
Publication | 2018
The purpose of this toolkit is to assist countries integrate public sector accounting (PSA) into educational curricula by developing a pathway for the development of PSA professionals that is achievable and appropriate for the needs of individual countries. The toolkit is based on International Education Standards (IES) issued by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) which serve as an international benchmark of good practice.
Accountancy Education: A Collection of Good Practices
Publication | 2017
This publication is a collection of good practices in Accountancy Education, organized on a thematic basis and shared by universities, Professional Accountancy Organizations, and members of the EU-REPARIS Program’s Education Community of Practice (EduCop). It supplements the findings of the Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study conducted by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) between March 2015 and May 2016.
Audit Data Analytics: Opportunities and Tips
Publication | 2017
Traditional audit methods served auditors for decades but as technology advances and stakeholders’ expectations evolve, so does the need for auditors to innovate and transform their approaches in order to keep pace with demand. This publication describes some of the opportunities that new technologies, especially the use of audit data analytics, can offer for audits of entities of all sizes. It also provides a few tips which might be useful for practitioners, Small and Medium Sized Practices (SMPs) and Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) as they support their members.
Case Study: Orotavia Capital City Municipality
Teaching material | 2017
The case study Orotavia was developed to facilitate the Internal Audit Training of Trainers workshops and simulates a capital city municipality. The case study is the core teaching resource during the Fundamentals and Advanced Internal Audit Training of Trainers modules and workshops and provides an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and the practical application of International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA) while also assisting to develop soft skills such as communication, working as a team and problem solving.
Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Guide for Implementing Output Based CPD
Publication | 2017
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential for all professional accountants, irrespective of their role or sector. Traditional CPD systems focus on recording and measuring inputs, such as time spent on CPD activities, but fail to capture whether actual learning has occurred. This publication provides guidance intended for Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) and other stakeholders seeking to implement output based CPD systems as a more genuine measure of learning and professional improvement.
Croatia’s EU Accession: Case Studies on Reform and the Transposition of the Community Acquis
Publication | 2017
The genesis for this publication was conceived within the context of the EU Road to Europe – Program of Accounting Reform and Institutional Strengthening (EU-REPARIS) regional program, which aims to provide assistance to the countries of Central and South East Europe on corporate financial reporting reform, particularly candidate countries to European Union (EU) accession.
EU-REPARIS Accountancy Education Benchmarking
Success Story | 2017
Sound systems of accountancy education increase the labor readiness and skills of the next generation accountancy workforce, produce competent and capable practitioners whose expertise and professionalism contribute significantly to financial decision making and help build public trust and confidence. The EU REPARIS Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study gives the participating institutions clear information on their educational provision and how it compares to international expectations.
EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers Program
Success Story | 2017
Focused on enhancing lifelong learning and supporting improvements in continuing education systems for professional accountants, the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers Program explores ways of modernizing the skills of the profession to provide effective financial reporting support to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and private sector enterprises.