The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. All CFRR publications are available on this site.

Group Challenge: The PejaSko Quiz

Teaching material | 2017

This Group Challenge aims to refresh participants memory of key facts and concepts described in the simulated audit client PejaSko that is used as a core teaching resource throughout the Audit Training of Trainers Workshops and draw participant’s attention to key issues to be covered in the upcoming workshop sessions.

Focus Areas

Group Exercise: Going Concern Judgements

Teaching material | 2017

Developed to facilitate the EU REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, the objective of the group exercise is to enhance the analytical and intellectual skills of participating trainers while engaging in a practical case study involving going concern judgements. Gathering appropriate evidence and evaluating the appropriateness of the going concern assumption, as well as making judgements about whether a going concern issue is present, are affected by the size of the entity.

Focus Areas

Handbook of International Education Pronouncements 2017: Russian Translation

Publication | 2017

The 2017 Education Handbook contains the IAESB’s suite of the revised and redrafted International Education Standards (IES) 1-8 as well as

Focus Areas

Internal Audit Training of Trainers Training: JLS-city XX Case Study

Teaching material | 2017

The JLS-city XX case study was developed to facilitate the Internal Audit Training of Trainers workshops and simulated auditing a JLS-city XX with over 200,000 inhabitants located in central Serbia. The case study is an additional teaching resource during the Fundamentals and Advanced Internal Audit Training of Trainers modules and workshops.

Focus Areas

Internal Audit Training of Trainers Training Modules

Teaching material | 2017

The document provides a detailed overview of the Internal Audit Training of Trainers program including the Fundamental and Advanced modules as well as the timing and format of the sessions. The training session workshops have two streams: (i) Fundamentals stream with many practical case studies based on the simulated internal audit case designed for the less experienced practitioner; and (ii) Advanced stream for the more seasoned internal auditor with a narrower focus and more involvement in more complex areas.

Focus Areas

Internal Audit Training of Trainers Training: KJS Case Study

Teaching material | 2017

The KJS case study was developed to facilitate the Internal Audit Training of Trainers workshops and simulated an organization that is a beneficiary of public funds in the Republic of Serbia. The case study is an additional teaching resource during the Fundamentals and Advanced Internal Audit Training of Trainers modules and workshops.

Focus Areas

Knowledge Paper: Key Accounting and Auditing Reforms

Publication | 2017

The purpose of this Knowledge Paper focusing on Key Accounting and Auditing Reforms is to assist the Macedonian Government to make informed decisions for future reform actions following the publication of the Macedonian Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) on Accounting and Auditing (A&A) in 2014.

Focus Areas

Linking financial reporting quality and cost of debt: Evidence from Serbian SMEs

Publication | 2017

This publication is an empirical study on financial information and cost of finance in Serbia.  Using the financial statement database of the Serbian Business Registers Agency (APR), we analyze the extent to which the quality of a company’s financial reporting is associated with its cost of debt. The focus of this study is small and medium enterprises (SMEs) because they represent a critical segment of the economy in most countries.

Focus Areas

Philippines Accounting and Auditing Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes

A&A ROSC | 2017

The World Bank conducted reviews of accounting and auditing within the ROSC initiative at the invitation of Philippines. The World Bank utilized a diagnostic tool that it developed to gather pertinent information for preparing the Accounting and Auditing ROSC.

Focus Areas

Public Oversight Systems for Statutory Audit in the EU

Publication | 2017

Public oversight of audits and auditors is a relatively recent development, particularly in light of the length of time that capital markets and the audit profession have operated. This paper reflects on the rationale for public oversight of auditors, summarizes the relevant EU legislation and international benchmarks for public oversight systems, and thereafter compares and contrasts the different approaches taken by EU member states to operate their public oversight systems.

Focus Areas