As candidates, or potential candidates, for EU enlargement the countries of Southeast Europe, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, are integrating more closely with the EU and the EU's internal market, and aligning their legislative frameworks with the EU acquis communautaire.

EU-REPARIS has been designed to help and encourage this process of integration. It

Case Study: Pejasco Cheese Ltd.

The case study PejaSko Cheese Ltd. was developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers workshops and simulates a small audit client. The case study is the core teaching resource during the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers workshops and provides an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and the practical application of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) while also assisting to develop soft skills such as communication, working as a team and problem solving.

Role Play Exercise: Developing Effective Interview Skills

This exercise, developed to facilitate the EU-REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, enables participants to engage in a role play activity and develop their interview, communication and interpersonal skills. By simulating a real life business situation, participants tackle and solve some real life problems. This is critical for the development of the complex skills needed by auditors that go beyond the theory and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), and also allows participants to exercise their professional judgment and understand problems from different perspectives.

Contributing to financial stability: Encouraging greater dialogue between key players in the banking sector

Story Highlights

  • When supervisors and external auditors of financial institutions collaborate, they can both do their jobs better and ensure greater transparency and soundness in the financial system.
  • The World Bank organizes events and offers publications and tools to help supervisors and external auditors in the banking and insurance sectors communicate better and work together.
  • To support this important collaboration, the World Bank held the Supervisors' Exchange Forum in Vienna, Austria, in September 2016 where it introduced the 

CFRR – IFAC Regional SMP Forum

Representatives of 20 regional and national Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) met in Vienna on 31 May 2017, with experts from the World Bank’s Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) and the International Federation of Accountants®(IFAC®), to discuss ways to address the challenges facing small and medium-sized practices (SMPs) and small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) as well as the opportunities available to them.

Advancing in Accounting & Auditing Regulation: Workshop for STAREP and EU-REPARIS Countries

A World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) workshop in Vienna on October 24 and 25, 2017, reviewed the role of accounting and auditing regulation and specifically how better enforcement can help improve compliance with audit standards, namely international accounting standards (ISA). It also considered the contribution of non-financial reporting and ensuring adequate requirements are in place.

Audit Training of Trainers Virtual Workshop: Update from the Standard Setting Boards (IAASB & IESBA)

This virtual workshop allowed participants to gain insight into proposed revisions and standards issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the International Ethics Standard Board (IESBA) and become updated with these developments directly from the Standard Setting Boards.