Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Guide for Implementing Output Based CPD

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential for all professional accountants, irrespective of their role or sector. Traditional CPD systems focus on recording and measuring inputs, such as time spent on CPD activities, but fail to capture whether actual learning has occurred. This publication provides guidance intended for Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) and other stakeholders seeking to implement output based CPD systems as a more genuine measure of learning and professional improvement.

Chamber of Auditors of Poland: Institutional Analysis

This institutional analysis has three main objectives. Firstly, to provide policy options to the Chamber of Auditors of Poland (KIBR) on the areas remarked on and raised in previous analytical reports, notably the Accounting & Auditing (Update) ROSC report of December 2013. Secondly, to provide policy options to KIBR on the areas that it is specifically considering. And thirdly, to assess KIBR’s performance against matters suggested by IFAC as important in the establishment and development of a professional accountancy body.

The Foundational Accounting and Financial Management Skills Enhancement (FASE) Program Virtual Knowledge-sharing Event

The accounting skills deficit in Africa limits the capacity to achieve effective public service delivery and private sector development. The public and private sectors have limited staff with adequate training in accountancy to perform internal controls, audits, and similar functions to prevent waste, misappropriation, and corruption and to foster financial transparency. The program is managed by Adenike Sherifat Oyeyiola, Practice Manager (EGVPF), and Edward Olowo-Okere, Global Director (EGVDR).

Learning Course "Private Equity in the Western Balkans"

The private equity market in the Western Balkans is at a very early stage of development and there is currently limited investment opportunity. The main source of financial capital available for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) throughout the region currently is through banks; by obtaining lines of credit, bank loans and other forms of debt. Alternative sources of capital are either non-existent or in very low supply.

Western Balkans Private Equity Investment Readiness Training Events

Professional Accountants bring to bear their skills in applying international accountancy standards that increase the credibility and trustworthiness of financial reporting in all sectors of the economy.  However, in the world of Private Equity, fund managers are often required to analyze opportunities and make investments in environments where financial accounts are of questionable quality. So, what is the role for a professional accountant in private equity?

Competency Based Accounting Education and Professional Accountancy Organizations

The Government of Kyrgyz Republic approved its Strategy to enhance and develop financial reporting and auditing framework in the Kyrgyz Republic until 2020, setting forward an ambitious reform to modernize and strengthen corporate financial reporting policies and practices, increasing confidence and transparency of Kyrgyz businesses. To support the Government of Kyrgyz Republic on this ambitious goal, the World Bank’s Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) is initiating technical assistance focusing on audit and reporting enhancement in the country.