Toolkit: Public Sector Accounting Education Plan

The purpose of this toolkit is to assist countries integrate public sector accounting (PSA) into educational curricula by developing a pathway for the development of PSA professionals that is achievable and appropriate for the needs of individual countries. The toolkit is based on International Education Standards (IES) issued by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) which serve as an international benchmark of good practice.

Benchmarking Guide: Integrated PSA and GFS

The Benchmarking Guide for Integrating Public Sector Accounting and Government Finance Statistics aims to inform practitioners and public sector accounting reforms by highlighting the similarities and differences between International Public Sector Accounting Standards and Government Finance Statistics reporting guidelines such as the Government Finance Statistics Manual of the International Monetary Fund (GFSM 2014) and the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010).

Accrual Based Accounting Core Competency Framework for Public Sector Finance Professionals

The Core Competency Framework presented in this document has been prepared to support Governments in implementing and sustaining reforms toward the adoption of accrual based accounting by defining the necessary competencies required by finance professionals to carry out such reforms. In doing so, the Framework provides guidance to the fundamental questions of “Who to train?”, “What to train?” and “To what extent to train?” when embarking on accrual based accounting reforms.