Audit Data Analytics: Opportunities and Tips

Traditional audit methods served auditors for decades but as technology advances and stakeholders’ expectations evolve, so does the need for auditors to innovate and transform their approaches in order to keep pace with demand. This publication describes some of the opportunities that new technologies, especially the use of audit data analytics, can offer for audits of entities of all sizes. It also provides a few tips which might be useful for practitioners, Small and Medium Sized Practices (SMPs) and Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) as they support their members.

Financial reporting in Austria: the views of SMEs and local banks

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a particularly important role in the Austrian economy, with commercial banks acting as their main sources of external finance. As SMEs are also very important in the REPARIS countries, analyzing how SMEs and their banks view the operation of financial reporting in Austria could produce some useful pointers for the design of financial reporting frameworks in the REPARIS countries.

Montenegro - Corporate Sector Financial Reporting: Technical Note

This note was prepared as part of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) and was made public in January 2016. Its main objective is to describe the status and recent developments in corporate financial reporting framework in Montenegro and highlight key issues relevant to financial sector. The note represents a technical annex to the main FSAP Aide-Memoire and seeks to provide a high-level overview of developments since the 2007 A&A ROSC2, as well as highlight the areas that are most relevant to the financial sector.