Public Oversight Systems for Statutory Audit in the EU

Public oversight of audits and auditors is a relatively recent development, particularly in light of the length of time that capital markets and the audit profession have operated. This paper reflects on the rationale for public oversight of auditors, summarizes the relevant EU legislation and international benchmarks for public oversight systems, and thereafter compares and contrasts the different approaches taken by EU member states to operate their public oversight systems.

Internal Audit Training of Trainers Training Modules

The document provides a detailed overview of the Internal Audit Training of Trainers program including the Fundamental and Advanced modules as well as the timing and format of the sessions. The training session workshops have two streams: (i) Fundamentals stream with many practical case studies based on the simulated internal audit case designed for the less experienced practitioner; and (ii) Advanced stream for the more seasoned internal auditor with a narrower focus and more involvement in more complex areas.

Audit Training of Trainers

Audit Training of Trainers (Audit ToT) activities focus on developing the capacity of the audit profession to deliver high-quality training and continuing professional development programs based on International Standards issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board® (IAASB®). This regional activity for participants in the EU-REPARIS program aims to facilitate shared learning and peer exchange regarding the design, content, implementation arrangements, teaching and authorization environment for CPD. It focuses on the needs and challenges of Small and Medium Sized Audit Practices (SMPs) aiming to help develop both their technical and essential soft skills.

Dissemination workshop of the Advisory Note on Professional Auditor Qualification in Moldova

While significant progress was demonstrated by the Moldovan authorities in aligning the audit and accounting legislation to the EU acquis requirements, there is still a room for a better alignment of the requirements and process related to Professional Auditor Qualification to the provisions of the International Education Standards (IES) and good international practices.

SMP Capacity Building Training Webinar Series Module 3 - Future of SMPs: Business Diversification Through Offering New Services

On April 15, within the frames of the European Union-World Bank joint Financial Inclusion and Accountability Project, the World Bank held an online meeting on ‘Future of SMPs: Business Diversification Through Offering New Services’.

Improving Audit Quality through Audit Oversight and Quality Assurance Systems

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN’s) Audit Regulatory Group (AARG) has partnered with the World Bank to build on and support existing efforts to share knowledge and promote good practices of audit oversight within the countries that make up the ASEAN Community. This collaborative workshop in Bangkok continued the establishment of the Audit Oversight Community of Practice for the prospective AARG members (AOCoP) i.e. the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.

Audit Training of Trainers Virtual Workshop: Update from IFAC’s SMP Committee

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), with the support of the Small and Medium Sized Practices (SMPs) Committee that acts as its strategic advisor, supports the SMP sector through a number of initiatives. These initiatives are designed to raise the profile and build the capacity of SMPs globally, as well as increase awareness about their role and value, especially in supporting small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).