Chamber of Auditors of Poland: Institutional Analysis

This institutional analysis has three main objectives. Firstly, to provide policy options to the Chamber of Auditors of Poland (KIBR) on the areas remarked on and raised in previous analytical reports, notably the Accounting & Auditing (Update) ROSC report of December 2013. Secondly, to provide policy options to KIBR on the areas that it is specifically considering. And thirdly, to assess KIBR’s performance against matters suggested by IFAC as important in the establishment and development of a professional accountancy body.

Guide to Corporate Sector Accounting and Auditing in the Acquis Communautaire

This Guide outlines the European Union (EU) legislative framework governing corporate sector accounting and auditing. It is primarily intended for policymakers, regulators, and other stakeholders in countries in Member States, enlargement countries, countries within the "European Neighbourhood" and others interested in understanding the EU regulatory model.

Public Oversight Systems for Statutory Audit in the EU

Public oversight of audits and auditors is a relatively recent development, particularly in light of the length of time that capital markets and the audit profession have operated. This paper reflects on the rationale for public oversight of auditors, summarizes the relevant EU legislation and international benchmarks for public oversight systems, and thereafter compares and contrasts the different approaches taken by EU member states to operate their public oversight systems.