STAREP Progress Reports

The CFRR produces regular reports for its main programs to inform donors, participants and other stakeholders of how the programs are developing. These progress reports summarize the activities carried out under the program and outline how the experience gained will be used to improve the design of the next stages of the program.

EU-REPARIS Accountancy Education Benchmarking

Sound systems of accountancy education increase the labor readiness and skills of the next generation accountancy workforce, produce competent and capable practitioners whose expertise and professionalism contribute significantly to financial decision making and help build public trust and confidence. The EU REPARIS Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study gives the participating institutions clear information on their educational provision and how it compares to international expectations.

STAREP EduCoP Workshop

A two-day workshop on November 28-29 convened participants from six “STAREP Program” countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) for the tenth Education Community of Practice (EDUCOP) workshop. The second day of the workshop was held jointly with members of the PULSAR EDUCOP (Public Sector). In addition, participants from the Kyrgyz Republic and Serbia participated as guests at the event as part of the KAREP and STAR-CFR projects respectively.

Building a strong and sustainable accounting profession in Georgia

During the first week of May, the regional "Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in the Eastern Partnership" program hosted several knowledge and capacity events aimed at strengthening accounting and auditing profession in Georgia. Joining forces with the Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision (SARAS) and IFRS Foundation, the World Bank’s CFRR delivered two roundtables dedicated to the accounting education and professional development, as well as IFRS Workshop.

CFRR – IFAC Joint Education Community of Practice

This one-day EU REPARIS Program Education Community of Practice workshop, organized jointly by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) and the International Federation of Accountants® (IFAC®), convened over 60 participants including the leadership team of national accounting organizations from the Western Balkans, other interested European Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) and international experts in the field.

KAREP reports on the first six months progress

The Kyrgyz Audit and Reporting Enhancement Project (KAREP) is working to enhance the investment climate in the Kyrgyz Republic by increasing the availability of transparent and reliable financial information, raising the quality of audit services and building trust in the audit profession, strengthening financial reporting capacity, and improving the public accountability of state-owned enterprises. Funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and implemented by the World Bank, KAREP became operational in September 2017.

Roundtable on National Accounting Education Initiatives

On April 20th 2018, a roundtable discussion on accounting education and certification was hosted at the World Bank office in Baku. Over 20 participants represented a range of stakeholders including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Taxation, Professional Accountancy Organizations and Universities, the Chamber of Auditors, and representatives of business and industry. Representatives for Azerbaijan on the STAREP Education Community of Practice were all present.

Montenegro - Achieving Excellence in Accountancy Education: Sharing Good Practices and Opportunities for Reform

Over 300 stakeholders, including policymakers, representatives from the academia, the profession, regulators, private and public sector employers and representatives from the business community, met in Becici, Montenegro on October 20, 2017 to attend a World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) workshop focusing on accountancy education.