Skopje - Achieving Excellence in Accountancy Education: Sharing Good Practices and Opportunities for Reform

Over 50 stakeholders, including policymakers, representatives from the academia, the profession, regulators, private and public sector employers, business community, as well as development partners, met in Skopje on June 27, 2017 with a view to building consensus on, and facilitating in-county accountancy education reforms.

Achieving Excellence in Accountancy Education: Sharing Good Practices and Opportunities for Reform

Recognizing that high quality financial information is supported by sound accountancy education systems that develop and improve the competence of professional accountants, accountancy education providers (both academic and professional education providers) met in Vienna on 1 June 2017 to presented the findings of the Regional “Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study”, developed under the Education Community of Practice (EduCoP) of the Road to Europe: Program of Accounting Reform and Institutiona

PULSAR Education Community of Practice: Inaugural Workshop

The PULSAR program is an initiative to increase transparency, accountability, and better management of public resources through the enhancement of public sector accounting (PSA) and financial reporting frameworks. PULSAR is financed by the Governments of Austria and Switzerland and is implemented by the World Bank. Participating countries include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine.

PULSAR Smart Interactive Talk "Accountancy Education in the Public Sector: Good examples of curricula, online courses and learning tools"

Supporting the development of accountants & finance professionals in its beneficiary countries is one of the main objectives of PULSAR Education Community of Practice (EduCop). Between October 2019 and early 2020, an IPSAS Training of Trainers (ToT) Program for the core group of trainers from PULSAR participating countries was completed and formed the basis for further scaling up IPSAS training in beneficiary countries.

Virtual seminar: Implementing competency based accounting education and training - the fundamentals

The Accounting and Auditing Education Community of Practice of the regional Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in the Countries of the Eastern Partnership (STAREP) program took part in a virtual seminar on November 28, 2017. The seminar focused on the implementation of competency-based accounting education, including providing feedback on a new education and training guide book being produced as part of the STAREP program.

Georgian small and medium businesses embrace for transition to IFRS for SMEs

Starting 2018, Georgian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will transition to IFRS for SMEs. This important step is expected to raise financial transparency of Georgian businesses, increasing their opportunities for investment and simplifying access to credit. To support the local business community and assist SMEs in this important change, the Georgian Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision (SARAS) has launched a series of education events to raise awareness about the Standard and collaborate with the wider stakeholder groups in the country.