Competency-based Accounting Education, Training & Certification: Implementation Guide

The guide supports transitioning accounting education, training, and certification from a knowledge-based approach to a competency-based approach. Underlying this shift is the expanding expectation for accountants to professional judgment in response to greater transaction complexity, interconnectedness of entities, and broader global influences.

Accountancy Education: A Collection of Good Practices

This publication is a collection of good practices in Accountancy Education, organized on a thematic basis and shared by universities, Professional Accountancy Organizations, and members of the EU-REPARIS Program’s Education Community of Practice (EduCop). It supplements the findings of the Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study conducted by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) between March 2015 and May 2016.

Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study

Six countries, members of the EU-REPARIS Program’s Education Community of Practice (EduCop) – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia FYR, Montenegro and Serbia – participated in an Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study between March 2015 and May 2016. The Study was a comprehensive assessment of the countries’ 14 universities and PAOs, which together provide 25 academic and professional accountancy education programs to around 4,120 enrolled students.

Chamber of Auditors of Poland: Institutional Analysis

This institutional analysis has three main objectives. Firstly, to provide policy options to the Chamber of Auditors of Poland (KIBR) on the areas remarked on and raised in previous analytical reports, notably the Accounting & Auditing (Update) ROSC report of December 2013. Secondly, to provide policy options to KIBR on the areas that it is specifically considering. And thirdly, to assess KIBR’s performance against matters suggested by IFAC as important in the establishment and development of a professional accountancy body.