Audit Training of Trainers (Audit ToT) activities focus on developing the capacity of the audit profession to deliver high-quality training and continuing professional development programs based on International Standards issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board® (IAASB®). This regional activity for participants in the EU-REPARIS program aims to facilitate shared learning and peer exchange regarding the design, content, implementation arrangements, teaching and authorization environment for CPD. It focuses on the needs and challenges of Small and Medium Sized Audit Practices (SMPs) aiming to help develop both their technical and essential soft skills.
Trainers from Professional Accounting Organizations (PAOs) and/or other organizations with responsibility for the design and delivery of continuing professional development (CPD) training programs for statutory auditors and audit firms in EU-REPARIS countries receive high-quality training and experience of using internationally recognized teaching materials. They are then able to pass on this knowledge and experience to other audit trainers in their home country.
A previous series of five workshops were held from 2012-2014 as part of the REPARIS program. This new series has two streams: Fundamental and Advanced Streams and a Supplementary Module focusing on other reporting circumstances. Online sessions complement both streams. The Fundamental Stream begins with four modules, each delivered at a workshop, while the Advanced Stream combined the for models into two, and offers a narrower focus for the more experienced professional. The approach and format for the workshops are designed to be highly interactive. Modules address ISA requirements, following the logical sequence of the audit process from accepting the engagement, through audit planning and execution, to concluding the audit. This Supplementary Module provides further guidance to SMP practitioners regarding engagements other than audits by using the IFAC Guides on reviews and compilations. A fictional case study is integrated throughout the training series to provide a practical element to the teaching format and help guide SMP practitioners in the development of firm-level and engagement-level quality assurance procedures.
The series is conducted with the support of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and uses IFAC Guides as teaching resources. It is also available as the Audit Training of Trainers product.
The Audit Training of Trainers workshops aim to develop the capacity of the profession to deliver high quality training and continuing professional development programs and to help Small and Medium Practices (SMPs) raise their capacity to implement International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
Approach and format
Workshop topics are logically sequenced in the context of the audit cycle, as shown in the graph. The workshops are designed to be highly interactive and enable shared learning and peer exchange among countries in the region and members of the Community of Practice.

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