The Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Program (PULSAR) Program is a regional and country-level program targeting the Western Balkans and the EU Eastern Partnership countries to support the development of public sector accounting and financial reporting frameworks in line with international standards and good practice. The PULSAR Partners - Austria, Switzerland, and the World Bank - jointly established the objectives and scope of the PULSAR Program. They provide institutional support for its implementation and mobilize the resources needed for its activities. Beneficiary countries also have an opportunity to shape the Program through regional cooperation platforms and input to Communities of Practice.
Project features
The regional program consists of a regional and country-level project in Albania. The regional program also consists of three subtasks each focusing on different aspect of public sector accounting reform implementation.
- Subtask 1 focuses on raising awareness for the relevance of the reform rationale and building consensus on the reform agenda among stakeholders
- Subtask 2 supports the design and implementation of financial reporting frameworks by offering technical know-how (FINCOP)
- Subtask 3 aims at developing public sector accountants and promotes the professionalization of the finance function in the public (EDUCOP)

PULSAR Promotes Government Accountability, Transparency, and Performance
Government activity accounts for a major part of gross domestic product (GDP) and government assets and liabilities are usually substantial in all economies. It is therefore important that they are effectively managed and that governments are accountable for this management to their citizens, their representatives, investors and other stakeholders. Government finance statistics provide information on the accounts of the different sub-sectors of general government so that policy makers and other stakeholders are able to analyze the financial position and performance of government and the long-term sustainability of public finances. The main sources of these statistics are the accounting records and reports of the various government entities, supplemented with financial information.
The Impact of PULSAR Program & Country Beneficiaries:
- Increased awareness and knowledge sharing, through peer exchange, knowledge transfer and regional cooperation.
- Improved national laws/regulations through technical assistance and implementation support.
- Enhanced relevant public sector financial reporting institutional arrangements and capacity developed in standard setting, quality control and implementation arrangements.
- Better national processes to design, adopt, translate and disseminate standards and tools, as well as related educational materials.
- Established training, education, certification and continuing professional development programs, in line with emerging best practices.