The STAREP Accounting and Auditing Standards series of activities (including face-to-face and virtual workshops, community of practice, publications, exchange visits, technical assistance) aims to build capacity, facilitate knowledge sharing and transfer among and assist the participating countries to develop and practice an institutional framework for corporate financial reporting which is in accordance with international accounting, auditing and accounting education standards. The activities are addressed to all those with an interest in the process of corporate financial reporting reform, including the accounting and auditing profession, regulators, students and other stakeholders in the countries of the EU's Eastern Partnership and are delivered at regional level with dedicated in-country support where required.

The project fosters peer exchange and learning regarding modernizing STAREP countries’ systems of corporate financial reporting and public audit oversight in accordance with good international practice and EU corporate financial reporting framework. It also promotes appropriate and sustainable partnership with relevant and global bodies (EC, IASB, IFRS Foundation, IFAC, IFIAR), between universities and PAOs at the national level, with peers regionally as well as with EU institutions; and provides analytical and research support.