The Centre provides knowledge services and capacity development assistance. Services include analytical and advisory services, learning and skill development, know-how and knowledge transfer, and technical assistance and institutional strengthening. All CFRR publications are available on this site.
Public Sector Accounting Assessment (PULSE) Tool User Manual
Publication | 2023
The main objective of this user manual is to facilitate the management of a PULSE web-based tool, and provides overview of the main functions and features of the tool.
PULSAR Newsletters
Article | 2023
The PULSAR newsletter regularly reports on the program’s latest activities and on developments in public sector accounting and financial management, both internationally and in beneficiary countries.
STAREP Progress Reports
Report | 2023
The CFRR produces regular reports for its main programs to inform donors, participants and other stakeholders of how the programs are developing. These progress reports summarize the activities carried out under the program and outline how the experience gained will be used to improve the design of the next stages of the program.
A Guide to Data Storytelling in the Public Sector
Publication | 2022
The Data Storytelling Guide is designed to support finance professionals working in the public domain to translate facts, numbers, and their expert knowledge into stories, that are comprehensible and relatable. It follows a skills-based approach, whereby data storytelling is viewed as a key skillset to acquire what CIPFA identifies as one of the core competencies for public sector finance professionals: communication and impact.
Benefits of Accrual Accounting in the Public Sector
Report | 2022
This paper focuses on the application of accrual accounting in public sector entities. The objective of the study is to illustrate benefits – but also costs – related to the implementation of this accounting system.
Book on Public Sector Accounting Reforms Implementation Status in PULSAR Countries
Publication | 2022
The book aims to share the status of implementation of Public Sector Accounting Reforms in PULSAR’s beneficiary countries in a harmonized manner and discuss the relevance of the continuation of PSA reforms across PULSAR countries given their positive impacts in general on transparency and accountability of the countries.
FASE Brochure
Brochure | 2022
The Foundational Accounting and Financial Management Skills Enhancement Program (FASE) aims to enhance and to increase foundational skills in accounting and financial management by developing more accounting technicians to serve in the public and private sectors in Africa, which in turn is the catalyst for sustainable, resilient, and inclusive development.
Kyrgyz Accounting and Auditing Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes
A&A ROSC | 2022
The World Bank conducted reviews of accounting and auditing within the ROSC initiative at the invitation of the Kyrgyz Republic. The World Bank utilized a diagnostic tool that it developed to gather pertinent information for preparing the Accounting and Auditing ROSC. The ROSC A&A report provides recommendations on further enhancement of the institutional framework for corporate financial reporting in the Kyrgyz Republic.
REPARIS for SMEs Newsletters
Article | 2022
The REPARIS for SMEs newsletter regularly reports on the program’s latest activities.
Disclaimer: This webpage was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CFRR and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Commonly used PULSAR Terms: English-Russian/Albanian/BCS translation
Publication | 2021
This document aims to help the PULSAR program beneficiaries and team members to use common terminology more consistently in preparation of PULSAR knowledge products in the future.