Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results

Agenda |

"2022 Ministerial Conference: Financial and Sustainability Reporting for Debt Transparency and a Resilient Recovery" Agenda


Publication |

A Guide to Data Storytelling in the Public Sector

Workshop | - | Western Balkans

Western Balkans Private Equity Investment Readiness Training Events

Workshop | - | Tbilisi, Georgia

Building a strong and sustainable accounting profession in Georgia

Presentation |

Impairment: IAS 39 and Effective Interest Rate. May 2016


Presentation |

Практическое использование подходов МСФО/Базель II при резервировании кредитных операций. November 2015


Presentation |

Отдельные аспекты аудита: переход на МСФО. November 2015
