Accountancy Education: A Collection of Good Practices

This publication is a collection of good practices in Accountancy Education, organized on a thematic basis and shared by universities, Professional Accountancy Organizations, and members of the EU-REPARIS Program’s Education Community of Practice (EduCop). It supplements the findings of the Accountancy Education Benchmarking Study conducted by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) between March 2015 and May 2016.

3rd PSA EduCoP Workshop

The 3rd Public-Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Education Community of Practice (EduCoP) took place in Vienna from November 28-29, 2018 with the aim to improve training, education, and continuous professional development aligned with international standards and good practice in public sector accounting and reporting.

Launch of World Bank initiative to improve public sector accounting

A new initiative aiming to increase transparency, accountability, and improve management of public resources through the enhancement of public sector accounting and financial reporting frameworks was launched in Vienna on December 11, 2017. The Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Program (“PULSAR”) delivers on a growing demand for a programmatic approach to strengthening public sector accounting through diagnostic assessments and capacity building targeted at public sector accountants, government institutions and a variety of other stakeholders.

Improving Audit Quality through Audit Oversight and Quality Assurance Systems

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN’s) Audit Regulatory Group (AARG) has partnered with the World Bank to build on and support existing efforts to share knowledge and promote good practices of audit oversight within the countries that make up the ASEAN Community. This collaborative workshop in Bangkok continued the establishment of the Audit Oversight Community of Practice for the prospective AARG members (AOCoP) i.e. the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.

STAREP EduCoP Workshop

A two-day workshop on November 28-29 convened participants from six “STAREP Program” countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) for the tenth Education Community of Practice (EDUCOP) workshop. The second day of the workshop was held jointly with members of the PULSAR EDUCOP (Public Sector). In addition, participants from the Kyrgyz Republic and Serbia participated as guests at the event as part of the KAREP and STAR-CFR projects respectively.

Internal Audit Training of Trainers: Advanced Workshop

The series of Internal Audit Training of Trainers (IA ToT) workshops within the SAFE program continues, and the IA ToT Community of Practice met in Vienna during June 4-7, 2018 when then Advanced Module was delivered. The overall aim of the Program is to develop the capacity of public sector internal auditors to deliver high-quality internal audit training within their countries/institutions, based on the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA) and international good practices in public sector internal auditing.

Smart Interactive Talk - Accrual Budgeting: Advantages and Disadvantages

A PULSAR FINCOP organized Smart Interactive Talk (“SIT”) – a virtual workshop was held on July 10, 2018 on the subject of “accrual budgeting: advantages and disadvantages”. This subject had been identified as a priority area by FINCOP participants with particular reference to if and when countries should introduce accrual budgeting in the public sector and its linkages with accrual accounting. This discussion is particularly relevant for public sector accrual accounting policy makers and reform leaders to inform their decisions on the reform sequencing and planning.