Toolkit: Public Sector Accounting Education Plan

The purpose of this toolkit is to assist countries integrate public sector accounting (PSA) into educational curricula by developing a pathway for the development of PSA professionals that is achievable and appropriate for the needs of individual countries. The toolkit is based on International Education Standards (IES) issued by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) which serve as an international benchmark of good practice.

PULSAR Brochure

Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Program (PULSAR) aims to support the enhancement of participating countries’ Public Sector Accounting (PSA) and financial reporting frameworks in line with international standards and in accordance with good practices, in order to improve government accountability, transparency, and performance.

Competency-based Accounting Education, Training & Certification: Implementation Guide

The guide supports transitioning accounting education, training, and certification from a knowledge-based approach to a competency-based approach. Underlying this shift is the expanding expectation for accountants to professional judgment in response to greater transaction complexity, interconnectedness of entities, and broader global influences.

Group Exercise: Fraud Risk Assessment

This group exercise further builds on the facts presented in the practical case study “Orotavia Capital City Municipality”, that is used throughout the Internal Audit Training of Trainers modules and aims to enhance participants knowledge about performing fraud risk assessments by following a structured framework including elements of fraud risk identification, assessment, and response.

Group Exercise: Agreed-Upon Procedures

The Agreed-Upon Procedure (AUP) engagement can be used in a variety of circumstances that involve both financial and non-financial information engagements and cover public and private sector entities. More recently, due to the increasing audit thresholds for smaller entities, the AUP engagement may affect the demand of stakeholders seeking alternatives to audit, such as lenders, and because of the flexibility this type of engagement offers, it can be tailored to different circumstances and focused on individual items of financial data.

Group Exercise: Going Concern Judgements

Developed to facilitate the EU REPARIS Audit Training of Trainers program, the objective of the group exercise is to enhance the analytical and intellectual skills of participating trainers while engaging in a practical case study involving going concern judgements. Gathering appropriate evidence and evaluating the appropriateness of the going concern assumption, as well as making judgements about whether a going concern issue is present, are affected by the size of the entity.

Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Guide for Implementing Output Based CPD

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential for all professional accountants, irrespective of their role or sector. Traditional CPD systems focus on recording and measuring inputs, such as time spent on CPD activities, but fail to capture whether actual learning has occurred. This publication provides guidance intended for Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAOs) and other stakeholders seeking to implement output based CPD systems as a more genuine measure of learning and professional improvement.