Enhancing Cooperation between Auditors and Supervisors: A Building Block Approach

Building trust takes time, whether it is between individuals, stakeholders’ groups, or institutions, the road to cooperation is long and requires important investments. The objective of this policy note is to provide in a succinct document, some of the key aspects for building that trust to foster cooperation, using the experience of several supervisors.

Small and Medium Enterprises: Financial Information As A Catalyst For Lending - Results of a Survey on Bank Lending Practices in Serbia

The study of bank lending practices to SMEs in Serbia, based on a survey of six of the largest banks, finds that financial statements are a significant input to banks’ lending decisions to SMEs. The report was disseminated on 17 October 2017 in Belgrade at the Banking Association; in attendance were representatives from ten commercial banks (some of which had participated in the study), the Ministry of Economy, and other stakeholders. The meeting acknowledged the findings and conclusions of the study and found them in line with their own practices.

Linking financial reporting quality and cost of debt: Evidence from Serbian SMEs

This publication is an empirical study on financial information and cost of finance in Serbia.  Using the financial statement database of the Serbian Business Registers Agency (APR), we analyze the extent to which the quality of a company’s financial reporting is associated with its cost of debt. The focus of this study is small and medium enterprises (SMEs) because they represent a critical segment of the economy in most countries.

Understanding Your Financing Needs and Options

SMEs often go to their bank for a loan when it’s too late. Banks reported that many SMEs wait until they face a severe cash constraint before they come to the bank to request a loan. The company’s cash is nearly depleted, and their pockets are empty. This is too late, since banks cannot lend to companies that are nearly bankrupt.

This brochure will help you in understanding your financing needs and options.

How to Choose Your Accountant

Banks need reliable, transparent financial information when making credit decisions. A financial advisor or accountant can advise you on when it could be advantageous to seek out a bank, and help you calculate, compile, and present your information to banks.

This brochure will help you in choosing a financial advisor or accountant for your SME.