STAREP Brochure

Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in the Countries of the Eastern Partnership (STAREP) is a regional program aimed at creating a transparent policy environment and effective institutional framework for corporate reporting within the countries that make up the EU's Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The six countries have made significant progress in modernizing their systems of corporate financial reporting but face several outstanding common challenges, especially as regards institutional capacity.

STAREP Progress Reports

The CFRR produces regular reports for its main programs to inform donors, participants and other stakeholders of how the programs are developing. These progress reports summarize the activities carried out under the program and outline how the experience gained will be used to improve the design of the next stages of the program.

PULSAR Smart Interactive Talk "Accounting Education in the Public Sector: International Experiences and PAO Engagement" (Part 2)

Building on the success of the previous event on May 19, this SIT continued the discussion by exploring additional international models for Public Sector Accounting education and reviewing the local and regional approaches to promoting accounting education in the Public Sector from PAOs prospective. During the session, members had the opportunity to learn from one country outside of the region (Zambia) as well as two PULSAR countries (Albania and Georgia) and compare these experiences to other relevant models in the CoP member countries.

PULSAR Smart Interactive Talk “Accounting Education in the Public Sector: International experiences and PAO engagement”

This SIT aimed at exploring different international models for Public Sector Accounting education and reviewing the local and regional approaches to promoting accounting education in the Public Sector from PAOs prospective. During the session, members had the opportunity to learn from a number of countries outside of the region (specifically South Africa, Philippines and Vietnam) and compare them to relevant models in the CoP member countries.

Keeping Financial Reporting Relevant: Focus on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

This regional workshop in Kyiv aimed to increase understanding of European Union (EU) accounting requirements for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Building on previous Accounting and Auditing Standards Communities of Practice (A&ACoP) events, this workshop was organized by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR), as part of the “Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in the Countries of the Eastern Partnership” (STAREP) program.