A Comparison of Polish Public Sector GAAP with IPSAS

The Report "A Comparison of Polish Public Sector GAAP with IPSAS" dated May 2015 was prepared at the request of the Polish Ministry of Finance as a support to prepare future directions of public sector accounting reform in a response to the Eurostat initiative to promote the harmonization of public sector accounting across the EU including the introduction and adoption of European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS) based on International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).

Accounting Vouchers and Principles of Bookkeeping - Expectations in 21st Century

This study is available in English and Polish. It assesses the current regulations and practices related to accounting vouchers and bookkeeping in Poland, including cross-cutting tax regulations, and compares them with selected EU countries (France, Germany and UK). The study was undertaken at the request of the Polish Ministry of Finance, and funded under the Financial Reporting Technical Assistance Program (FRTAP) by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the Enlarged European Union.

Study on Accounting Regulation for Business Combinations

This study is available in both English and Polish and includes an analysis of domestic and international accounting standards applicable to business combinations. It also features a review of literature available on the subject as well as practical information and case studies. In conclusion, the report proposes enhancements to existing legislation to ensure compliance with EU laws and regulations, in particular with Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on the annual financial statements.

Guide to Corporate Sector Accounting and Auditing in the Acquis Communautaire

This Guide outlines the European Union (EU) legislative framework governing corporate sector accounting and auditing. It is primarily intended for policymakers, regulators, and other stakeholders in countries in Member States, enlargement countries, countries within the "European Neighbourhood" and others interested in understanding the EU regulatory model.

Lessons Learned from the World Bank’s Accounting and Auditing ROSC Program

This paper addresses challenges to the successful implementation of international accounting and auditing standards which have been observed by the World Bank when carrying out the Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) accounting and auditing assessments.

Three of eight lessons learned (from the executive summary):