Report on the Enhancement of Public Sector Financial Reporting (REPF) – Diagnostic Tool

The Report on the Enhancement of Public Sector Financial Reporting toolkit (REPF) was developed by the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) to promote improvements in public sector financial management. To achieve meaningful and realistic public sector accounting reform it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of a country’s public sector accounting environment.

PULSAR Webinar "Scaling up the ACCA IPSAS Certification Program and Public Sector Education"

This event was held in collaboration with the ACCA and conducted as a continuation of  a series of virtual events on PULSAR Education Community of Practice in the light of COVID-19 challenges that limits face-to-face workshops.  The Webinar’s  targeted audience included both the members of the PULSAR EduCoP,  and participants of the PULSAR IPSAS Training of Trainer Courses (ToT) held earlier in Vienna, Sarajevo, Tirana, and Batumi. In addition, other interested stakeholders also attended the event e.g. from education institutions.

PULSAR Financial Reporting Community of Practice: Inaugural Workshop

The Public Sector Accounting and Reporting program (“PULSAR”) is a new initiative to increase transparency, accountability, and better management of public resources in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine through the enhancement of public sector accounting (“PSA”) and financial reporting frameworks. PULSAR is financed by the Governments of Austria and Switzerland and is implemented by the World Bank.

Launch of World Bank initiative to improve public sector accounting

A new initiative aiming to increase transparency, accountability, and improve management of public resources through the enhancement of public sector accounting and financial reporting frameworks was launched in Vienna on December 11, 2017. The Public Sector Accounting and Reporting Program (“PULSAR”) delivers on a growing demand for a programmatic approach to strengthening public sector accounting through diagnostic assessments and capacity building targeted at public sector accountants, government institutions and a variety of other stakeholders.

PULSAR Joint FinCoP and EduCoP Workshop

From April 23-25, 2018, the second workshops of FinCoP and EduCoP were held in Vienna, bringing together more than 100 participants and speakers from 17 countries. Senior officials from MOF and Court of Audit of Austria joined the events, and leading international experts contributed to the sessions including representatives from IPSASB, CIPFA, Eurostat EPSAS Working Group, and IMF.

3rd PSA EduCoP Workshop

The 3rd Public-Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Education Community of Practice (EduCoP) took place in Vienna from November 28-29, 2018 with the aim to improve training, education, and continuous professional development aligned with international standards and good practice in public sector accounting and reporting.

4th PSA FinCoP Workshop

The PULSAR Financial Reporting Community of Practice (FinCoP) Working Group meeting was held from June 3-4, 2019 in Winterthur, Switzerland. Professor Dr. Reto Steiner, Dean and Managing Director of the ZHAW School of Management and Law, welcomed participants and opened the meeting.