Drivers of Public Sector Accounting Reform

The Workshop hosted virtually about 60 participants from about 11 countries.

The implementation of accrual accounting is a long-term project in the public sector, and clarity of direction is important. None of the countries deciding to initiate PSA reform have the same starting point, capabilities, and DRIVERS. It is important to acknowledge this fact in setting country’s reform objectives and paths.

PULSAR and World Bank Sustainability And Integrated Reporting Community of Practice Webinar on the Implications Of Sustainability Reporting On Public Sector Accounting

Over the last few years investors, companies, governmental regulators, international organizations have been increasingly calling for standardization of sustainability/integrated reporting by corporations and, in the longer term, by governments. They also see an urgent need to consolidate a wide range of organizations and initiatives currently involved in this agenda. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and focus on the sustainable recovery have helped to further cement this momentum.

PULSAR Smart Interactive Talk “Pathways to Accrual: Insights and Lessons Learned"

Pathways to Accrual is a tool, developed by the IPSAS Board, which intends to assist public sector entities, including national, regional, and local governments, and related governmental entities and international governmental organizations wishing to report on the accrual basis of accounting. It is primarily intended to assist public sector entities transitioning from cash to the accrual basis of accounting, and it may also be useful for entities currently reporting on an accrual basis and considering the adoption of IPSAS.

PULSAR Smart Interactive Talk “Public Sector Accounting Reform Status in Pulsar Countries"

Public Sector Accounting (PSA) is a key enabler for good governance and economic growth. Financial information is of critical importance for both accountability and decision-making purposes, in particular when it comes to investment in public infrastructure. According to the International Monetary Fund, governments, which use high quality accrual basis accounting information, are economically more successful than those merely considering budget execution.

PULSAR Joint Education and Financial Reporting Communities of Practice 6th Workshop

The Public Sector Accounting and Reporting (PULSAR) Program held a joint workshop on December 1, 2022, for members of its Communities of Practice: on Financial Reporting (FinCoP) and Education (EduCoP). The EduCop was also joined by the members of The Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in Countries of the Eastern Partnership (STAREP) Program. The workshop was organized by the World Bank Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) as part of events marking 15 years of CFRR activities.

PULSAR joint Education and Financial Reporting Communities of Practice 8th Workshop

Consolidation is one of the essential and, at the same time, challenging processes in terms of implementation of PSA reforms. IPSAS 35 “Consolidated Financial Statements” provides specific guidance on consolidation, which uses an economic perspective that is based on the concept of control. However, the consolidation in public sector possess is particularly challenging given its complex organization and wide range of decentralized and subnational entities, including State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), which, often use different accounting framework.