The Round table, organized by Governance GP Global Unit, is an activity of the FASE program whose objective is to develop more accounting technicians in Africa to support growth, accountability, and efficiency in the public and private sectors in Africa. The Program (2018-2025), funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, includes two streams of activities. Firstly, supporting Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Morocco, Tunisia, and Senegal to strengthen their accounting technician programs (e.g., University Technology Diploma (DUT) and the Higher Technician Diploma (BTS)) to ensure the graduates are employable and develop more technicians. Secondly, is developing an accounting technician qualification for adoption by African countries. The program is managed by Adenike Sherifat Oyeyiola, Practice Manager (EGVPF), and Arturo Herrera Gutierrez, Global Director (EGVDR).
The roundtable, under the theme "Accounting Technicians as catalysts for accelerating economic and inclusive growth in the economy", offered an opportunity to the participants from the five beneficiary countries (60 physical participants and 140 virtual participants) to confirm the importance of accounting technicians; to share experiences of designing and implementing accounting technician qualifications; and learn the roles of different stakeholders in the accounting technician value chain. The round table was also attended by the representatives of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, the regional economic community (OHADA) and development partners GAVI Alliance, Global Funds, and the African Development Bank. The participants appreciated the engagement.
At the conclusion of the round table, Adenike Sherifat Oyeyiola, Practice Manager (EGVPF), made a call on action to participants to (a) accelerate the implementation of the designed accounting technician programs; (b) ensure the programs are registered with the respective country's authorities to achieve recognition and attract students; (c) clearly define and describe the roles of the different institutions (including the authorities, professional accounting bodies, and training institutions) in the accounting technician value chain; and (d) initiate or strengthen marketing campaigns for the accounting technician programs targeting employers, students, parents, and the government.
The participating development partners have committed to supporting the program. The Bank will explore additional funding from other bank-funded projects or trust funds to support enrollment of students in the designed accounting technician programs.