Supporting the development of accountants & finance professionals in its beneficiary countries is one of the main objectives of PULSAR Education Community of Practice (EduCoP). Between October 2019 and early 2020, an IPSAS Training of Trainers (ToT) Program for the core group of trainers from PULSAR participating countries was completed and formed the basis for further scaling up IPSAS training in beneficiary countries.
IFAC’s Accountancy Education initiatives continue to drive the understanding and delivery of required skills and competencies of the Professional Accountant as we face the future. This includes the demand for sustainability services as both preparer and auditor and continuing our role as trusted advisors as the world navigates the recovery from the pandemic. In addition, as part of the introduction of IFACs new approach to Accountancy Education, in 2020 IFAC launched its accountancy education e-Tool. This tool is designed to help accountancy education stakeholders navigate and access key principles of the International Education Standards and related implementation support including the illustrative learning outcomes for the Public Sector Accountancy Curricula.
On February 16, 2021 EduCoP launched the survey “PULSAR EduCoP progress update and 2021 workplan” among PULSAR EduCoP members. The purpose of the survey was two-fold: (i) To receive an update of participating countries’ status on scaling up the IPSAS Training of Trainers Rollout; and (ii) To identify key priorities for further support within PULSAR EduCoP work.
The key objectives of this SIT were: (i) to learn from IFAC on the latest initiatives and tools related with Accountancy Education; (ii) to present the results and findings of the survey on the progress status for the scaling-up of the IPSAS Training of Trainers Rollout and; (iii) to discuss the potential priority areas for further support from PULSAR EduCoP to beneficiary countries during 2021.