Building a strong and sustainable accounting and auditing profession in Moldova [John Hodge]

English | Romanian

Building a strong and sustainable accounting and auditing profession in Moldova [Andrei Busuioc]

English | Romanian

"Roundtable on importance of good corporate governance and transparency of SOEs" Agenda


Corporate Governance in State Owned Enterprises: Major Challenges and Ways of Improvement 


Steps and Implications of Transitioning to IFRS, Raising Transparency of State Owned Enterprises


Reform Steps and Expectations for State Owned Enterprises towards Better Accountability and Governance


"Initiatives for strengthening accounting education in Moldova" Agenda

English | Romanian

The case for change in accounting education

English | Romanian

Improving accounting and auditing curricula through international accreditation: Case of the State University of Moldova


Panel: How to strengthen accounting education in Moldova at the university and professional levels
