Showing 311 - 320 of 331 results

Workshop | - | Vienna, Austria

Launch of World Bank initiative to improve public sector accounting

Presentation |

How to succeed with IPSAS Implementation: Experience in Switzerland


Presentation |

How to succeed with IPSAS implementation: a brief overview of the Austrian Experience


Presentation |

Improvement of Accounting and Reporting System in Public Administration Sector of the Republic of Belarus in the context of its harmonization with IPSAS


Presentation |

International developments: IPSAS and EPSAS


Presentation |

Latin America: Progress on IPSAS Implementation


Brochure |

PULSAR Brochure

Workshop | - | Minsk, Belarus

Initiatives to Improve Accounting Education / Strengthen of PAOs in Belarus

Workshop | - | Tbilisi, Georgia

National Initiatives for Strengthening Accounting Education

Presentation |

Global launch of CGMA report: “Addressing the employability crisis; Reconnecting education, skills and jobs” under the auspices of the CIMA US FDI Forum
